FamiLAB Annual Meeting

Another year has come and gone, we are another year older and hopefully wiser.

What is FamiLAB
This past Saturday, FamiLAB held its annual meeting in our classroom, where we discussed the current state of the lab, its history, and we selected the new members of our board of directors. We replaced three members of our board at the meeting, and I would like to thank the departing board members, Mike King, Jamie Szafran, and Jackie Jeffrey, for their service to the lab. If and when you see them around the LAB, please say thank you.

I would like to thank all the candidates and welcome our new board members.
The current members of the Board of Directors are:
President: David Smith
Vice President: Lilly Specht
Treasurer: Dan Burroughs
Secretary: Matt Luby
Director: Michelle Lillie
Director: Craig Skelton
Director: Chris LeMaire
If you wish to watch a recording of our meeting it is available on Youtube

Humble Beginnings
Maker Faire 2018
Thank you to all that attended.