FamiLAB 1.5x Buildout Update

Hey guys! we've all been working hard on building our new space over the last few months. Dave Woods, has compiled this video so far of our progress, showcasing some of the more amusing moments some of you might have been there to witness. Leave some comments and let us know what you think!If you've got some time, we could always use any and all kinds of help to continue moving forward. We're generally working on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and can put people of all skill levels and abilities to work right away! Feel free to contact us by the form on this site, or shoot an email to web@familab.org if you'd like more information on volunteering to help.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEgsFbCCi5Y


Build-Out Update: Videos!


We're Moving! (next door)