GGHC: We Did It!
The FAMiLab team finalized our entry in element14's Great Global Hackerspace Challenge last night (or was it this morning?!)We had a solid crew out for the last evening of work, and we managed to not only get lots of work done, but we made a little video too.. that I've had a little sleep, and I'm starting to reflect on the past 6 weeks, I realize they have been quite an adventure - we spent 2 weeks just getting to a concept, then in 4 weeks went from concept to vision to reality. If you haven't seen the latest, check out www.sensingplatform.orgI know we have much, much more we'd like to do with the Sensing Platform, and I can't wait to see what we create next.element14 plans to announce the semi-finalists by
Friday Monday night - so stay tuned for that news.Enjoy some pics from our final build night...